A training week for new users, as well as some of our Microsurvey staff, was hosted by Microsurvey in Kelowna, BC from May 7th to May 11th, 2018. Many thanks to Brian Sansom, BCLS, P.Eng and James Johnston, B. Ed, Geomatics Technologist (MicroSurvey Support and Training Manager) for hosting this training week. The first group spent some time learning about COGO functions, Modeling and DTM for Microsurvey, and the second group spent time learning all the basics with STAR*NET.
Lots of questions were answered and worked on, specialy dealing with DXF imports and exports. The week turned out to be very eductional and enjoyable.
Pictures from our MicroSurvey CAD group, hosted by Brian Sansom
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Pictures from our StarNET group, hosted by James Johnston
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Again, many thanks to James Johnston and Brian Sansom for making this week a great success.